Tuesday, March 30, 2010

To be a mom, yet not a mom

Yep that it how to sum up, my part in the family. Let me tell ya how it is in the house, it is my dads house, so in comes Papa. Then there is me, in comes Tina, my son was born 12 1/2 years ago, we moved in when he was 6 months, so 12 years ago, in comes Kenny. I met a wonderful woman who has gratiously agreed to be my partner, she moved down from Oregon about 2 1/2 years ago, in comes Suzanna.

Ok I work from 8am to 5pm Monday-Friday, Suzanna usually works 11:30m - 8:30pm 4-5 days a week, she never has the same set days off. Papa does not work, at least right now. He usually does seasonal road construction, but the last couple of years for health reasons he has not been able to work. Kenny is in the 6th grade, I drop him off at school before I go to work, and Papa picks him up at 2:50pm. So there is 2 hours before I get off, about 2:20 minutes before I get home. His homework is hardly ever done, correction, hardly ever even started!! Unless Suzanna is home, she gets him to get it done. But Papa, can not seem to get him to do anything!! Homework, chores, pick up his dish!! anything!!! It is very frustrating to walk through the door and get blasted with, "Kenny is not doing what I say, he is being a little shit". Over and over... I finally told my dad about 3 months ago, that it needs to stop, I can not handle coming home and not even being able to take my jacket off, or put my wallet down. I told him, how come you are like this with him, you were not this way when I was a kid.

I understand that I am too old to be living at home, but I am working on changing that, I am working on getting a Bachelor in Accounting, after that I am going to apply for better paying jobs, and work on getting Suzanna, Kenny, and I our own house.

I love my dad with all my heart, he has had it rough the last 11 years. With my mom getting cancer and going through chemo's and radiation, knowing that it was terminal, knowing that nothing would help. They were prolonging what life she had for the grandkids. I love my dad he is one of my heros.

I just get so frustrated because everytime I try to parent my child, it only works for a while, and then Papa is giving in to Kenny, or just letting it slide..

Anyway, I am glad that I have this blog to let my thoughts out! I am not sure if anyone reads, and it does not really matter too much.

Off for somedinner and then to find my center.. need to calm these anxious feelings, ground them down, and fill myself with positive...

Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again.

Alien world outside my window

Who took the air and replaced it with dust? That is all I see! Well, ok I see more but not much, visibility is at about 1/8 mile is my guesstamation. The wind is howling, and shaking my office building, which was built many years ago - like 30+. I am not sure when it was built I just remember it always being here. The lights have flickered a time or two. Maybe we will loss power, yeah!! But I still have to do even with out power.. that would just mean no computers and no phone!! Which is the yeah part!!
My allergies are kicking up a little, I am allergic to dust!! I know living in Nevada and allergic to dust??? But it usually is not too bad just as long as I don't go driving around in the desert during the summer. But bring in a big wind storm.... well, it is hard to breathe, and my skin is starting to crawl, my eyes are the worst, feels like sandpaper for eyelids!!
Anyway enough of the drama, drama, BS!!

Time to get some work done while the power is on.

Blessings to all

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Who put sandpaper where my eyelids were?

I feel like my eyes are getting scraped every time I blink. Maybe my allergies are trying to play havoc with my day. Well, they need to stop! I am trying to have a good day. Just took an allergy pill so we will see how it goes from there. It is hard to get any work done when all I want to do is close my eyes.

My sholders and arms are sore from working out. I have not done regular exercise in years, but times are changing. I am tired of being so heavy! So we bought a Wii. It came with Wii Resort which is fun!! I have found out that the sword challenge is a very good way to release stress! hehe =) But anyway, yes there are some games in there that require physical activity. Actually almost all of them. Then I buy the Wii Active, it has preset work out routines or you can create your own. Which I did. I have done workouts 4 times in the last week. But Tuesday decided to add to the work out some sholder presses. That is what is making my shoulders ache, but I will continue and will over come.

On the "change of eating" (it is not called a diet!), I did really good yesterday, had a salald for lunch and dinner. Dad grilled salmon, made rice and steamed asparagus. I made a salad topped with salmon and aspargus. Stayed away from the rice! YEAH ME!! NOw to keep it up!! I am thinking of walking at lunch time today. I bought some Skechers Shape-up shoes last week, almost 2 weeks ago. These are the most comfortablest shoes EVER!! I love them. So yep yep I walk is in the works for today!

Oh, my list for work today:
1) get off internet
2) finsih spreadsheet
4) call the boss on a contract
5) start the sales jounral for March
6) do not turn internet back on!!!
7) try not to get tooo irritated with bossman today

list for home tonight:
1) Wii workout
2) PayJR. pay boy for his chores
3) start organization on desk
4) check to see if final grade has been posted from class yet
5) balance checkbook

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Good Wednesday Morning

I go in to wake up my son, and he is already awake!!! whoo-hooo! He just needs to get out of bed. Maybe I will to work on time today!

I need to talk about the journey to lose wieght in a family that does not eat the way that I need to eat in order to lose weight. It is my fault and no one else that I am at the weight that I am. And I don't want to tell family, No we are not going to eat that! I am ok, with making my own dinner. We buy salad mix, boil some eggs.. I can make a salad.
So last night I get home and I guess the plan for dinner changed, because my dad and my son were going to the movie, so that left Suzanna and me. I was supposed to a meeting but not feeling like a social person. So I opted to stay home. What does she want for dinner? Jack in the box! Not my ideal weight loss place. I am a fast food addict, I know this, and to break away from the bad eating habits that has caused me to be so heavy, I need to NOT EAT FAST FOOD! So I tell her that I really was not in the mood for Jack. So I did some Wii Active, got a work out! She took a nap. I woke her up because I was getting hungry. yes, we did go up town, but not to Jack, we went to Taco Time, which is better for me, and tastes better!!

Time to go and make a salad to take to work for lunch today...

Have a good day all!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Operations Management Principles

Whew! Ok, here is the thing. I am enrolled in an online college, now 17 years ago I went to a college in Reno, NV. This college waits until I try to get my transcripts for my new college to tell me that I owe them money. And I not talking about a few hundred, no, I am talking a couple thousand - $2405 to be exact!!! Yikes! There was no way I was going to be able to pay them, or with my monthly budget vs. income, be able to stick anything more than $50 per month in... So I hung in there until I filed my taxes. So when I got my refund back, #1 was to pay the college!! Done! Now send my transcripts!! Well, instead of sending them the to new college, they send them to me!! So I have to stick them in another envolope and forward them on. So now the wait it to see when they finally get to the office of Prior Learning for the new college.. but in the mean time my next class was English Composition I, something that I was not looking forward to, not because I am bad at grammer or spelling.. no, I figure it is going to be boring!!! And it might be a class I took for my Assoiciates 17 years ago. So I managed to get another class bumped up yesterday!! whoo-hooo! So instead of English Comp I, it is now Operations Management Principles. Sounds a lot more interesting, and might even require me to use my brain!!! hahaha

The class that I am taking now is not very challenging. So I am looking forward to a class that is going to put me back on my toes... I have slacked in the research and schedule study time, becauase this class just did not require it.

Anyway, that is about all for now!

Tina H

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patty's Day!!

Well, here I am sitting down at Flying Pig, having a beer and atteneding class chat. It is loud in here and my headphones would not work with my laptop. Guess I should have tested before I brought them. But that is ok, got through it. This class is pretty easy. Kinda waiting for something more challenging. This class was about the Online Experience. Ok, I could have used it when I first started, but I have been going since May 2009, and know how to get around and how to submit assingments. So they develope this class with a "Personal Action Plan" Each differnt part of it is submitted in a different way, and uses different techniques - from discussion boards, word papers, and a power point presentation. So far I have been getting 100%, but that is also becuase the teacher provides the rubrics grading sheet. If you follow along, you can't get a bad grade, unless you turn it in late.

Anyway, enough bout school, I want to complain about my son for a little bit. My boy is 12 years old, and he loves my laptop, which is ok, if he asks for permission. The last week or so he has forgetten that little tid-bit. I even found a friend of his on my laptop last week. Was not a happy camper!! Kenny got a talking to about that.

Then this afternoon while at he calls to see about going on and looking for something, so fine he has permission for that. He knows that I was planning on bringing my laptop down to the Pig while waiting for my love to get off work. I get home and find him playing a game on the laptop, in the living room. Unplugged so the power is draining! I told him, #1 you did not ask to play a game on it, and #2 if you are go and get the power cord and plug it in so that I have a full battery. Well, he takes it back to my desk, so I think ok, he plugged it in. It was not for another half an hour, that I get out there, it is not plugged in, plus he left it open! I told him, thats it!! I am changing the password! So, of course he wants another chance but he is not going to get it. So after I am done with this I am going to change the password.

Thanks for listening to me, I hope everyone had a good St. Patty's Day!!

Blessed Be!
Tina H

To Facebook or NOT?

I am a Facebook Addict! I admit it! I am hooked on a few of the applications.

First there is Zoo World, now I started this many moons ago, but it did not interest me, then my friends got into it and started sending me animals. Now threre really is not much that needs to be done in the game, just a few clicks here and there. But the thing that has gotten me in trouble is the fact that the money does not accumulate. Yes, you get a daily profit, but it does not go into your cash unless you have the application running. Now everything costs money! But some of the levels that you need to achieve are to have so much $$$ saved up, at first it was small 3 million, then 4 million, then 15, now I need 45 million!! I am at 33 million.. But it is getting kinda frustrating because I can't just leave the application on, if it is idle the clock stops! Yeah, yeah there is the treasure hunting.. where you visit each of your friends zoo islands and find the animals that has the treasure. I can do my small neighbors just fine, but get into some of the bigger ones, and the computer freezes. ggrrr.

Next is Farmville, I love farmville, you dont have to go in everyday, and the cash you accumulare depends on what crops you plant. So you just have to figure it out, say plant 2 day crops and then you know that you have 2 days until you have to go back, and then you have 2 days before the coprs wilt.. so 4 days!!! I am doing pretty good there.

Well, that is about all this morning, I have to get some work done and so I can not facebook anymore!!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What a beatiful day!

The weather is turning out to be so beautiful the last couple of days. I looked at by 18-speed when I pulled in the driveway, and really want to take a ride. But I have homework to do. Have an assingment due Friday night, and need to work on it tonight and tomorrow as Thursday I have Scout meetings.

I got home and dad tells me that there is more stuff for to look through in the garage, NO! more dust!! Ok, heres the thing, dad has been cleaning up the garage, lots of dust out there. I am allergic to dust!!! Seriously I am! So yes, I will go out here in a few and look through the stuff. Last week, found lots of books, most of those were my moms. She wanted to start a used bookstore in town, and never got around to it. There were not a lot of books, but about 100 or so. I had to keep a couple of Anne McCaffery Pern books. Love that series!!

That is about all for now,
Later all!
Blessed be!
Tina H

Welcome to Dragon Ponderings

Hello and welcome all!

You may be wondering why the name "Dragon Ponderings", well I love dragons! Everything about them. And well to ponder is to think deeply about things, so I figure my blog is going to have my thoughts, so lets ponder!! Ha-ha!

Tina H