Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Ok, for the past few weeks, I have been seeing posts on Wednesday that had mostly pictures, very little words if any at all. Now I am thinking that the pictures are supposed to be current, but I don't have any current pictures on my work computer, so these are not current but they are pictures:
What I like to change my facebook picture to when I am upset.

This picture always makes me think of two important people in my life: my sister Toni and my BFF Shari

This picture reminds me of my sister Kim! 

This was me in high school. I am the one on the right, Ang is the one waving! 
And NO! it was not Halloween! Hahahahahaha

Monday, July 25, 2011

Turned it down.

On Friday I posted that I had to make some decisions over the weekend. Well, what it was: I had a job offer to be a full-on bookkeeper. The pay was only 30cents more per hour. So it was kind of a tough decision. I would like the job, the opportuntiy for the job, the networking of the job. But the wage just was not enough for me to leave my job and start somewhere else.

Not to mention the unprofessionalness of the owner of the business, but that all says in my head for right now. You know how the internet is..... once you type it - it can be used against you. Well, in this case, what I would type could be used by others against the owner... so nope not going to say it!!

Getting ready for work, so gotta go and have a beautiful walk to work!!

Blessed Be!!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

I had Pizza..

I had to try it! It was so cute!! Was not too bad, I had two slices and my boy had the other three. I like how some of the shapes look like veggies - mushroom, green pepper, onion. I am not sure what the purple shape is supposed to be.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Decisions to make

Can't say much now, but have a lot on the mind and a lot to think about over the weekend.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Organic Mosquity Contol

found this wonderful site (thanks Shari) and so wishing i would have known about this last month

Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday evening...

My day did get better. I was able to get quite a bit of work done today. Although I was still really tired. The afternoon was rough. Then I thought that I was going to have to walk home. Now, don't think that I am selvish I like to walk, but I hae an assingment due by 10pm.. so I was a little butt hurt, by having to walk. Well the lovely woman was up and decided to come get me. YEAH! Tomorrow I am walking to work and she said that she will come and get me.

Classes are doing well. I am a little upset with a teacher, because he was not really teaching. He was telling us to read the text book. So not helpful!!!! Well, he had a chat today and he was actually teaching!! whooo-hooo!! Anyway, I am upset, I received 88% on an assingment.

Ok, going to finish up and hope to be in bed just a little after midnight.

Night all!!


Monday Morning

I was really tired this morning, and so did not want to get up. So of course I was running late, made my self a sandwich wrap, only ate a few bites. Found out that I don't like the chicken lunch meat that was bought. I have some peanut butter here I can eat when I get hungry. So not worried.

Boss man needs to realize not to stress out the bookkeeper/secretary on Monday morning!!! Trying really hard to keep it together, I have way too much going on this week - both work and school to have a breakdown. Must keep it together!! Sanity depends on me being able to adjust, or maybe that is just a load of bull....

Anyway, time to get some work done.

Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again
Blessed Be


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday thoughts....

1)Need to figure out a how to make the black lab realize that the trian she hears is not thunder and it is nothing to panic about.

2)Working on two assingments due tomorrow (Monday) night. To continue on and get two done by Wednesday night, then a big one due Friday. YIKES!!!

3)Love my NookColor!!! downloaded a Marjong game it is sooo cool. But would really like to find something to use as a stylus, my son likes to get the screen all sorts of nasty!!

4)Swamp cooler can not be turned on right now.... :( The overflow thingy (dont know what part) does not work well and it leaks water continuosly when the water is turned on. Well yesterday it was coming through the bathroom vent!!!! SO NOT HAPPY!!!!

5) spent quite a lot at walmart yesterday but it was stuff that we needed in the house, so most of it we wont need to buy again for a while.

6)Great Value - generic for Walmart is not a bad food/product.

7)Sams Choice sodas are not bad either.. At least it is not CokeCola!!! yuck!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Growing list of ROAK and PIF

Here is a list of RAOK and PIF that I want to and have done to help celebrate my 40th brithday (coming up in Sept)....

1) Helped an elderly lady push her granddaughers cart out of the store. The granddaughter was talking to the store clerk and the elderly lady did not want to leave the cart there. Done on July 15, 2011.

Friday, July 15, 2011


WE ARE BRINGING THE DOGS HOME TO NEW HOUSE TONIGHT I THINK!!! Maybe even the rats also!! Tomorrow we are going to move one more dresser over, and take another back out. Maybe start setting up for some kind of small garage small..

OH and payday is today!! ya know what that means? Harry Potter #7.2? NO, I wish!!! Nope it means I AM GOING TO THE STORE AND BUY SOME SEASONINGS!!!! On the shopping list, top three items:
Garlic Salt


No more bland mac & cheese for me... hahahaha


Thursday, July 14, 2011


My one big fear about my son being in Boy Scouts is when he leaves for summer camp. Is he going to be ok? Is he going to come back to me?

I ask these of myself every year when summer camp comes around. The reasons why? I remember once on vacation visiting Yellowstone Park. After watching 'Ol Faithful, we decided to eat lunch in the vehicle as a big rain storm broke out. As we were there, lighting struck the platform (where people watch the geiser) later I found out that a Boy Scout died after being struck by lighting.

A few years later, a Boy Scout summer camp was devastated by tornadoes.

My son got back safe and sound this year on Monday night. Today I read a news release about a Nevada Boy Scout drowning! My heart sunk!!! He disappeared while scuba diving, and was found 30 minutes later.

Yes, I know the scouts are teaching my son many things, but it is still the fear that accidents happen!

My blessings go to family and troop today.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Economic Value Added EVA

This is the subject that I had to write about tonight, 750 words, and have it done by 10pm. The teacher only talked about this yesterday! Luckily I had already done the other classes assingment, so I could concectrate on this one. So it is written and posted on the class discussion board area. Now I have until Sunday to reply to two of my fellow classmates. Make that 4, two in each class.

But right now I am going to go and read some of the textbook in Advanced Accounting.

Later all!

Going from EVA to Partnerships.... wheeeeeee!!!!!!!! hehehe

walking to and from work!

I LOVE LIVING IN TOWN AND CLOSE TO WORK!!! I walked home yesterday. Then I also walked to work this morning!!! I have driven it, the distance is 8/10 of a mile! If I walk the other way and visit the market it is 1.1 miles! Oh, something I am going to have to buy when I get the extra funds?? NEW SHAPE-UPS!!! This poor shoes are coming apart at the seams, at least the left shoe is! hahahaha

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Oh I am missing my son today. He has been gone for 8 days!! It is hard, but knowing that he is with the boy scouts makes it a little easier than when he goes to his dads. It is funny to think that the leaders at scouts know him better than his own dad!

Acutally I have been doing lots of missing today - my boy, my dogs, my cats, my rats and even my fish!!!! this coming week we are going to work on the fence and get it fixed up so that we can bring the dogs over. Next week dad is going to be gone for a few days and if we dont have the cats here by then, we will get them here then.

I have been so scratter brained today that I got some school work done but not much.... I have a 5 slide power point due tomorrow, as well as a 2 page paper. YIKES!! Looks like I am going to be sneaking school work in at work tomorrow!! OH and the boy scouts are coming home tomorrow!!! YEAH my boy will be home tomorrow!!!! probably not until really late! But he will be here!!

Anyway, off to get some work done.... :)

Blessed be all!

Friday, July 8, 2011


Okay okay I have not been good about posting daily! been busy the last few days. mmoved in more furniture this evening, and tomorrow we are gonig to try the couch... wish us luck!!!

my infection is better the swelling has gone way down!

anyway, I was just going to get on long enough to say HI and then sign off. I have some boxes and furniture to move around before the couch comes tomorrow.

Later all
Blessed Be!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

oh joy

It feels like a Monday, even though I know it is Wednesday. Had Monday off from work, but called in sick yesterday. Oh this past weekend was bad.... for the past couple of weeks I have had a salivary gland stone that would not come out, well Thursday the gland decided to start swelling up. So I started the heat packs and massaging the gland. But it was not good, by Saturday I had a huge lump under my jaw, and it HURT to eat - chew, swallow. I had to basically put myself on a smoothie and liquid diet. Sunday, the inside of my mouth started swelling, it was so not good!! Woke up Monday and decided enough was enough, called and the walkin clinic was open. As I did not have a vehicle, I called a good friend and she came and took me. The nurse practitioner there said about the same as the doctor said the last time - hot/warm compress, try to milk (be rubbing and massaging the gland) and gave me an antibiotic. I slept so much that day!! And yesterday, I slept more then usually, but today, is the first day that I woke and did not feel the inside of my mouth swelled up. So I guess that I will try to go to work. I have to remember to take my heat pad, and my liquid drinks... now off to make a smoothie to get my day started.
Oh, and tonight I have two esssay due!! OH JOY!!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

friday at last... does my work load stop??


first let me say that I am totally upset! this morning before walking to work I typed up a blog but there was a glitch and it did not post.... no time to re-do as I did not know how long it would take to walk to work, as this was only the 2nd night in the house.

Anyway, yep I walked to work, it was a beautiful morning!! got to work with 5 minutes to spare... early? when I am usually like 5 minutes late! hahaha go figure!

after work today had to get the boy all packed up for boy scout camp, even though they are not leaving until 5 tomorrow morning. of course he was not ready!! he was about 80% or so... I did have to start putting things in the duffel bag with many threats about staying there if he was not ready and working his hiney off pulling the jungle of weeds (I should take a picture tommorow of the nevada jungle).

Anyway got him packed and down to load the trailer, now we are ready to settle in the new house for night #3 and wake up early to take him to meet the scouts at 445am.

So I am signing off and will update tomorrow, after I catch more zzzz's
