Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Temper Tantrum

Usually we have a space heater like this.
The is Emma aka Heater Hog

So the title of this blog is temper tantrum
What happened is that my dad is here and he has a 360degree heater.
So we unplugged the one above
And plugged in his:

Emma was NOT impressed!
I call this look:
"Really??? I can't not lay in front of THIS?!"

She then decided to NOT LOOK at me!
Really Emma? It is going to be like that?

She then turned her back to me:

She kinda turned when I called her name.
She was TOTALLY throwing a temper tantrum!
Needless to say I had to go and get the other heater,
and plug it back in.
We only use the 360 one everynow and then.

The white heater is the back in use.
Emma is happy again.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Our Turkey Day.

So. The ex husband is in town visiting his family for the holiday.  Brought his new girlfriend. I don't really care one way of the other about him or his girl friend, but he needs to spend time with his first born child. Who just so happens to be my son, who is 15 now. 

First I had to deal with drama from the wife (mine), she does not like my ex... um news flash NEITHER DO I!! hence the reason why we are not together... don't give me a bunch of stress, I am stressing too!!

Then, he asks if I could bring the boy out to his dads house the next day. I should have said no, but being polite I said I would. The next day dawns.... which so happens to be Thursday aka. Thanksgiving Day aka. Turkey Day.  The boy took forever to wake up and by the time he did, I was entrenched in cleaning the kitchen, starting the turkey, and cooking a Gluten Free Pumpkin Drop Cake:
I had lots of dishes to do as the pots and pans have been stacking the last couple of days... that is another reason why the dish that this cake (and the suffing) is cooked in were picked up at Family Dollar. $1.50 for two pans... steel! haha

Then it came time and I had to get the Gluten Free Stuffing in  the oven.
The last few years when roasting a turkey I also make a stock of the neck and other inards that come with the bird. I don't use those organs just the stock to make the stuffing. I had to do two stuffings this year. One gluten free and one regular boxed.
I did cheat and make instant potatoes. But anyway... my turkey turned out awesome!!
It was so moist.... still moist later when I when to put it away...

Our dinner was not much more than just turkey, potatoes, stuffing, and cranberry sauce... but no one complained. What a good day.

All in all, the boy never did make it to his dads famiily. We tried calliing, but his phone was either off or dead. 

So today, he calls and then coming by and has the nerve to ask if I will take the boy all the way out to his dads, so I said no. I am busy with homework and housework today. I feel proud of myself!!


Friday, November 16, 2012

Professional nitpicking


The boss is being nitpicking... not to be mean, not to be hard.... but to teach me "professionally".  I appreciate his honestly.. and I really don't mind the nitpicking... I am learning new things about the world of corporate taxation everyday!!

It seems funny to think that two years ago the term taxes or tax season sent shivers of fear down my spine... now - not so much. I don't fear the taxes! I want to learn as much as I can... there IS SO MUCH to taxes... both individual and corporate.

Well, back to it.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Holiday's are a'coming....

I am sitting here at work (yeah I know I am supposed to be working, but had to take a break and put a thought down), and listening to the receptionist talk to clients. A client left and said "Happy Holidays!" She said thanks.

Then it reminded me of last year.... she would gripe and complain (after the client left and if no other clients were here) if they said Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas.

Great now I get to listen to it again this year. I will expand more on this later.. gotta get back to work...

Using the Pensieve

This blog is more just to get thoughts out in a pensieve type of way.

As I was getting ready for bed last night, I made a joke to the other half that went along the lines of "are you sure you are not bi?" she replies 'I am bi." We have been together for over 5 years and this is the first time that she has said that to me. Then the conversation went on...
She: I told you, I am sure I told you.
Me: Don't think so.
She: Well I know I was talking to someone about this.

All in all, it is not a bad thing nor was it a bad conversation. Just a realization of things.

Anyway, the point is... I know that there are certain male actors or types on men that interest her. There are certain actors or types of men that interest me too... not so much as to turn me on (like she was last night).
For me it is mostly the voice....

OK, usage of pensieve is done for the moment. I am at work and need to get back to it...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Dedication to My Mom

I wrote this "Dedication to My Mom" a few years ago.

I still feel you around the house,
At times, I hear you laughing,

Every time I see a mouse in the house,
I remember the time you threw your books at one. (and killed one!)

I miss watching movies with you,
As you would drive us all nuts by rewinding,
And rewinding your favorite parts. (by the way Mom, Kenny is now doing this!!)

You are a hero to me, the bravery you showed
While fighting a losing battle, I will never forget!!

On November 11, 2001 my mom passed away after a long hard fight with cancer. I miss her dearly.

I Love You,
I Miss You


Thursday, November 8, 2012

My productive day has come to a halt

Usually, when I am sitting here doing taxes I come to a point that I need to talk to the boss about something. Not this morning though. All I had to do was finish up a few partnership returns. Now that I have done that, I can start back in again on a return I have been working on for over a week for a farm/ranch. Problem is I can not remember where I left off..... I did not leave a note like a usually do!! So upset with myself and now I have to look over the papers to see if I can refresh my memory.

On a separate note; still sending lots of positive vibes toward the place I interviewed with on Tuesday. I WANT THAT JOB!!! I could so grow experience-wise with that job! Plus to be able to have medical insurance on myself and my son.... MUCH NEEDED!!! So, lots of positive vibes to the two ladies that interviewed me!!!

Oh, a separate note.... had a hot shower this morning!!! The hot water heater has been out for about a week. I did not want to put another one in until we could see if we could find the leak.. no luck on finding leak... until the old water heater was moved yesterday..... seems when they put the linoleum down they put it down and then cut around the water heater to make a snug fit... so when the water heater (which come to find out was installed in 1996!!!) decided to stop working, it leaked right down that cutup area... *sigh* there are some flooring guys coming this afternoon to look and see how much it will cost to repair....

So you see that I REALLY NEED THAT JOB!! It starts out at $6 more per hour than I am making now!!!

