Sunday, December 23, 2012

The last few weeks....

Working long hours the first two weeks on December in order to take off the 17th and 18th to take my dad to another town to have surgery to fix his fractured sternum. Then the stress of those two days. Then the complete exhaustion, both mentally and physically. I am still trying to get my level of energy back up.

I wanted to come on here and post a big blog about the last two weeks, then sat here not sure how to start or what to type.. just know that I am glad that my dad is no longer in pain with every movement.

Today he has been montioring his oxygen levels with a pulse oximeter that we bought at the store last night. The numbers have stayed between 94 and 97 all day.  The day after this surgery, before they released him from the hospital they were concerned about his oxygen levels, so they sent him home with oxygen tanks and a machine! The machine that has a hook up for his CPAP machine at night. 

Anyway, I am going to go and throw some frozen pizza in the oven for dinner. And maybe make so more coffee. Need to kick my brain into gear and finish some homework.

Later all and Blessed Be

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Relieved, but hesitant

Yesterday I posted a blog about how I feel like my partner does not 'know me' anymore. Well, tonight we were talking about things (not about last night, yet)... ok, let me set the story...

She was out smoking in the garage, I went to say hi.. and she said that she seen something outside. I could not see anything.. I made a joke about it being a fairie. She said no, I don't believe in them. Ok.

A few minutes later same thing, went out to talk to her and she said that the pair of eyes was closer but as soom as the door opened it was gone. I still could not see anything. 

In the kitchen a few minutes later, she confessed that she did believe in faries but did not want people to think she was crazy. I told her, that off everyone to talk to about those things it would be ME. I do believe! So she told me that the eyes were too big to be fairie or brownie. I said maybe a "sock" troll, since I had just put the socks in the wash.  She thought I was joking, I was not.

 Anyway, we had a few words. And I finally told her that just like last night I feel that she does not 'know me' anymore. If she did she would know that I believe in creatures, and that I don't freak out about certain things. The one thing lately that I have freaked out about is her being home for me, when she is home. Which means dont constantly talk/text  to your friends. 

I did suggest to her tonight, that maybe if she talked to me as much as she did her friends she would be able to remember 'who I am'.

I hope that what I said to her tonight sunk in. I don't like living with someone who treats me like a stranger but says they love me.  The emotional anguish on top of everything else lately is so not fun.

Well, I am going to go and put the socks in the dryer and I hope that if the troll takes on, it is one of mine that has a hole in it. I would willing sacrafice one.


Friday, December 7, 2012

a stranger.. but there in bed next to me

sometimes, especially in the past few months,, I feel like my partner of over 5 years does not know me anymore...

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I want to run away... I NEED a break!

have ya ever had the thought about running away from it all... well I want to.. this week has been shit,, and it is only Wednesday! Don't get me wrong, I love all the people I live with.. but I need a break! I need a break from being the only one to do dishes, I need a break from having to juggle homework vs. dinner and dishes! Last night was the topping on the cake! I blew up! Did I get homework done? NO I did not! Did dishes get done? NO, I was busy with a class chat, and fixing dinner! at the same time! It was when the boy decided to yell at me about laundry, when I am trying to listen to the teacher, that my night when from stressfull to terrible! anyway, I have a migraine today, but am here at work... lovely... (being sarcastic people... it is not a lovely day!)
oh, last night was one of those occasions that if I did not pull away and leave, it would have been more than just a whooping on the buttocks...
so, dad and I went to a restraunt had some cake and iced tea (him) pie, brandy septerater & some blended irish cream drink (me). after the irish cream drink i was relaxed enough to go home.