Monday, September 27, 2010


After finding out last week that they want to move me and the office. I go home and find out that my dad wants to sell the house and move. My love is really stressed out about this, I am too but I have learned to put my stress aside/in a bubble/in a box/groud it.... do something with it, or it will tear your body up!! My love has not learned this. She is letting it get to her. I keep telling her there is NOTHING we can do TODAY!! Stop stressing! But she won't listen.... *sigh*

I am not sure when dad is going to want to go, but I asked if he could wait until after tax season. I am not sure if he is going to or not. We are going to try to talk as a family tonight, so there will be no more of passing messages and stuff. Passing messages does not help when one is stressed and not making sense!!!

So it looks like my life is going to get really complicated in the next 2-6 months!!!

All I can say is "Publishers Clearing House- WHERE'S MY MONEY?!?!?!"


Blessings to all!!

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