Friday, May 28, 2010


What do I feel good about?

Me: New office chair!! The wrist not hurting today after putting it together yesterday!! Oh, and my hips not hurting from the other chair I was sitting in!

Me: School for my boy is almost out, countdown three more days of waking him up in the morning!! whooo-hoo!!!!

Me: My job!! If was kinda iffy there for a bit.

Me: Getting to go home and be greeted by two dogs, 3 cats, and 3 rats!! Love my furry babies!

What do you feel good about?


  1. So many things!!! We have 9 more days of school not counting weekends and I can't wait!!!!!!

  2. I feel good about being uplifted by all these FGF posts and for being comfortable in my body and have a great night's sleep.
    Happy weekend.
