Saturday, May 29, 2010

Weekends... some busy.. some not..

The weekends are usually time to either relax or do college assingments. There have been weekends where my time is dedicated to all of one, with no time for the other. Of course college assingments rank up there the highest, as the papers don't wirte themselves. Sometimes I am lucky to be inbetween classes, or have a light work load.

Last weekend I was not feeling good. So I did not so much as relax as I just sat around taking midol every 3-4 hours. Last Mondays assingment was not too hard so I worked on it a little here and there.

This weekend I have to "revise and strenthen up" the paper I wrote last week. I have to make it not sound so much like an assingment, need to make it sound more personnal. But also make sure the paragraphs are complete. Hmmm, well I will do it.. tomorrow! hahaha It is not due until Monday evening. I am off Monday so I can work on it Sunday and Monday. whoo-hoo!!

Today, my son and I had to be at the local cemetary to do a Communtiy Serivce day with the Boy Scouts. Every year the Auxilary and Scouts put flags on the graves of Veterans. Then on Memorial Day the flags will be taken down. It was a beautiful morning! The last couple of days have seen rain and snow coming down, but today... blue skies, a slight breeze- just enough to fly the flags...

(well I had a picture to put here, but my computer is not reading the sd card.. so I will try again later)

Have a great and blessed weekend.


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