Saturday, May 29, 2010

Weekends... some busy.. some not..

The weekends are usually time to either relax or do college assingments. There have been weekends where my time is dedicated to all of one, with no time for the other. Of course college assingments rank up there the highest, as the papers don't wirte themselves. Sometimes I am lucky to be inbetween classes, or have a light work load.

Last weekend I was not feeling good. So I did not so much as relax as I just sat around taking midol every 3-4 hours. Last Mondays assingment was not too hard so I worked on it a little here and there.

This weekend I have to "revise and strenthen up" the paper I wrote last week. I have to make it not sound so much like an assingment, need to make it sound more personnal. But also make sure the paragraphs are complete. Hmmm, well I will do it.. tomorrow! hahaha It is not due until Monday evening. I am off Monday so I can work on it Sunday and Monday. whoo-hoo!!

Today, my son and I had to be at the local cemetary to do a Communtiy Serivce day with the Boy Scouts. Every year the Auxilary and Scouts put flags on the graves of Veterans. Then on Memorial Day the flags will be taken down. It was a beautiful morning! The last couple of days have seen rain and snow coming down, but today... blue skies, a slight breeze- just enough to fly the flags...

(well I had a picture to put here, but my computer is not reading the sd card.. so I will try again later)

Have a great and blessed weekend.


Friday, May 28, 2010


What do I feel good about?

Me: New office chair!! The wrist not hurting today after putting it together yesterday!! Oh, and my hips not hurting from the other chair I was sitting in!

Me: School for my boy is almost out, countdown three more days of waking him up in the morning!! whooo-hoo!!!!

Me: My job!! If was kinda iffy there for a bit.

Me: Getting to go home and be greeted by two dogs, 3 cats, and 3 rats!! Love my furry babies!

What do you feel good about?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

To my mom on Mothers Day.. all my love...

I still feel you around the house,
At times, I hear you laughing,

Every time I see a mouse in the house,
I remember the time you threw your books at one.

I miss watching movies with you,
As you would drive us all nuts by rewinding,
And rewinding your favorite parts.

You are a hero to me, the bravery you showed
While fighting a losing battle, I will never forget!!

Nine years ago on November 11th my mom passed away after a long hard fight with cancer. I miss her dearly.

I Love You,
I Miss You

Thursday, May 6, 2010

What I should be doing today..

I am sitting at work, I should be stapling weight tags to invoices ( I am like a year behind on this duty), or entering data into Quickbooks, or the dreaded packing up of files. I might not have a job after this month, granted it will probably take until the end of June to take care of everything. But the boss does not think that is it looking good that the co-op is going to continue, he said Monday that it would be a good idea to start packing up the prior years into boxes, so that way it would be easier and faster to move to storage (where ever that it going to be!!) when it comes time.

So yeah that is what I should be doing, what am I doing instead??? Just got done playing on Facebook! Checked on my zoo, my farm, and played some bingo, even won a game!!! came reallly close on another couple of games.

Now I am going to go and check on the Pioneer Woman and see what it up over there and then get started on an assingment for college that is due tomorrow. I have been exhausted in the evenings and have not had time to start typing it up.

Hasta for now!!!


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Thought for Wednesday May 5, 2010

Too much fabric softner in the laundered clothes makes my nose tingle, and not in a good way...

There was so much in the washer last night that I could smell it in the hallway, thought it was my nephew washing his clothes. Come to find out it was my lovely women. Love her, but don't love clothes to are too fuufuu-y smelling.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Oh Happy Day!!

I would have to say that the days where I make my ex husband mad are good days, because I always come out in the end feeling better!! I am not sure why, but I do...

Take this weekend for instance, I was paying bills and realizing that money was going to be tight. Having a 12 1/2 year old who likes to have food, games, food, clothes, house, gas for vehilce, food.. did I mention food?? I hope that he is on the edge of a growth spurt, because it is hard to keep his belly full. Anyway, yes money belt is tight. So I put a status on facebook about how I was feeling. Granted I have said things before about child support not coming in, and if you ask around I am really leinent with my ex.

But this time he was not happy, not happy at all that I was telling his business on facebook. According to him he is paid up,, hhmmm.. how can that be?? He is supposed to pay monthly 18% of his wages no less than $100.. yeah!! he got off really easy on this one!! $100 per month!!! I have not received "monthly" payments since March 2009, so 13 months ago.

In Ocotber 2009 he filed his taxes for 2008 (by the way he owns his own business), he tells me that IRS sent him a letter and that $xxx amount of dollars is going to be coming to support Kenny... Ok, so we have been through this before, it takes 6 months!! If you ask the IRS they release it at the same time as the rest of his taxes were paid to him.. he got his tax refund in December 2009. It has been a few years and I cannot remember if it is 6 months from the time of filed or the time of his refund.. but I am thinking that it is the later, because April has come and gone and no taxes/child support. So it might come in June.. not holding me breath!! Stopped expecting child support long, long, long, time ago....

Oh and then he filed his 2009 taxes in (I think) February 2010, so six months will be??? August.. I am not sure when he recieved his part of refund so who knows how long this one will take.

But see this is how he gets away with telling me he has made two payments!! TWO?? In thirteen months??? 2!! Monthly it should be 13!! but he made 2!! And he says that he called and "they" told him he is all paid up.. hhmmm... He filed taxes in Ocotber 09 and Feb 10.. this in now May 2010,, so lets not count May as it just started,, so March and April.. right there is two months, so how can he be all paid up???? It does not sound right!
Oh, I also told him that having your taxes garnished and actually paying support on a monthly consistent basis are two different things.

Oh to go back to when this happened before, the IRS says they had sent the money, the Child Support division says that they have not recieved any. We (yep him and me) spent weeks on the phone before and even was told by the Child Support office ladies to stop calling.. hhmm..

So anyway, there is my rant for the day/weekend... Thanks for listening.. =) Oh Happy Day!!!

Oh and now to end with a picture we took uptown today....