I feel like my eyes are getting scraped every time I blink. Maybe my allergies are trying to play havoc with my day. Well, they need to stop! I am trying to have a good day. Just took an allergy pill so we will see how it goes from there. It is hard to get any work done when all I want to do is close my eyes.
My sholders and arms are sore from working out. I have not done regular exercise in years, but times are changing. I am tired of being so heavy! So we bought a Wii. It came with Wii Resort which is fun!! I have found out that the sword challenge is a very good way to release stress! hehe =) But anyway, yes there are some games in there that require physical activity. Actually almost all of them. Then I buy the Wii Active, it has preset work out routines or you can create your own. Which I did. I have done workouts 4 times in the last week. But Tuesday decided to add to the work out some sholder presses. That is what is making my shoulders ache, but I will continue and will over come.
On the "change of eating" (it is not called a diet!), I did really good yesterday, had a salald for lunch and dinner. Dad grilled salmon, made rice and steamed asparagus. I made a salad topped with salmon and aspargus. Stayed away from the rice! YEAH ME!! NOw to keep it up!! I am thinking of walking at lunch time today. I bought some Skechers Shape-up shoes last week, almost 2 weeks ago. These are the most comfortablest shoes EVER!! I love them. So yep yep I walk is in the works for today!
Oh, my list for work today:
1) get off internet
2) finsih spreadsheet
4) call the boss on a contract
5) start the sales jounral for March
6) do not turn internet back on!!!
7) try not to get tooo irritated with bossman today
list for home tonight:
1) Wii workout
2) PayJR. pay boy for his chores
3) start organization on desk
4) check to see if final grade has been posted from class yet
5) balance checkbook
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