1)Need to figure out a how to make the black lab realize that the trian she hears is not thunder and it is nothing to panic about.
2)Working on two assingments due tomorrow (Monday) night. To continue on and get two done by Wednesday night, then a big one due Friday. YIKES!!!
3)Love my NookColor!!! downloaded a Marjong game it is sooo cool. But would really like to find something to use as a stylus, my son likes to get the screen all sorts of nasty!!
4)Swamp cooler can not be turned on right now.... :( The overflow thingy (dont know what part) does not work well and it leaks water continuosly when the water is turned on. Well yesterday it was coming through the bathroom vent!!!! SO NOT HAPPY!!!!
5) spent quite a lot at walmart yesterday but it was stuff that we needed in the house, so most of it we wont need to buy again for a while.
6)Great Value - generic for Walmart is not a bad food/product.
7)Sams Choice sodas are not bad either.. At least it is not CokeCola!!! yuck!